General conditions e-shop “FREE BIRD” Ltd. with UIC 204128501 accepted on 23.07.2024.


Art.1. These General Terms and Conditions, hereinafter referred to as the General Terms and Conditions (GTC), are intended to regulate the relations between “FREE BIRD” Ltd., UIC 204128501, with registered office and registered address. Sofia, p.k. 1527, ul. 8 Angista Street, hereinafter referred to as “SUPPLIER,” and the customers, natural and legal persons, hereinafter referred to as “USERS,” of the e-commerce platform, hereinafter referred to as the “PLATFORM,” concerning the conclusion of contracts for the purchase and sale of goods offered through the Platform, where the SUPPLIER undertakes to sell and deliver, and the BUYER undertakes to accept and pay for the goods ordered and delivered to him.


Art.2. Information under the E-commerce Act and the Consumer Protection Act:

Name of the Supplier: “FREE BIRD” Ltd. with UIC 204128501.

Registration under the Value Added Tax Act No BG204128501.

Registered office and business address and address for the submission of complaints by consumers. Sofia, p.k. 1527 ul. 0882 828806.


Data Protection Commission

Address. Sofia, ul. “Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov 2,

tel.: (02) 940 20 46

Fax: (02) 940 36 40


Consumer Protection Commission

Address. Sofia, 1, Vrabcha str., et. 3, 4 и 5,

Tel: 02 / 933 05 65

Fax: 02 / 988 42 18

Hotline: 0700 111 22




Art.3. The Supplier shall provide its customers with products related to healthy nutrition and cosmetic products.

Art.4. The Supplier shall sell food supplements and cosmetic products at a distance in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act to natural and legal persons.

Art.5. The Supplier shall comply with the provisions of the Ordinance on Foodstuffs and Cosmetic Products, adopted by P.M. No. 434 of 10.12.2021, which is in force on 30.12.2021.

Art.6. The Provider shall not offer to its customers any medicinal products.

Art.7. All products offered by the Provider are not intended to prevent, treat or cure medical diseases and conditions.

Art.8. The Provider shall not offer and shall not make any payments to persons who have the status of a consumer under the CPL for the following types of services:

1. Medicines and homeopathic remedies;

2. Other products presented with healing effects.

Art.9. The Supplier undertakes to comply with all the requirements laid down in the Bulgarian law on the labeling, packaging, and sale of food supplements.

Art.10. The Provider undertakes to provide the User, prior to the acquisition of the goods, with appropriate information enabling him to make his choice, which includes:

1. All characteristics of the goods that must be known to the consumer, including composition, packaging, as well as instructions for use, accessories and maintenance;

2. Price, quantity, method of payment and other contractual terms;

3. Presence of the goods;

4. The hazards associated with the normal use, application or use of the product;

5. The conditions of use of the goods; the impact it has on other goods when used or used together;

6. Shelf life.


Art.11. All products offered on the Platform are not legal means and must not be used as such in any way. The Supplier shall in no way be liable for the use of the products as medical devices.

Art.12. The Provider shall not be liable for any pecuniary or non-pecuniary damages in the form of loss of profits or damages suffered after the use of the products offered on the Platform. Before use, you must consult a doctor or specialist about how to take the products.

Art.13. Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and persons under 18 years of age must consult a doctor or specialist before using the products offered. The Provider shall not be liable for pecuniary or non-pecuniary damages in the form of loss of profits or damages sustained after the use of the products offered on the Platform.

Art.14. If you are taking medication or suffering from a medical condition, you must consult a doctor or specialist before taking the proposed products. The Provider shall not be liable for pecuniary or non-pecuniary damages in the form of loss of profits or damages suffered as a result of the use of the products offered on the Platform.

Art.15. The information on the Online Platform is informative and should in no way influence the choice and manner of acceptance of the Products. Use the information at your own risk only.


Art.16. The Supplier undertakes to sell and arrange the delivery of goods (“Goods(s)”) in accordance with an Order placed by the User through the Supplier’s interface available on its website at (the “Platform”). The Supplier does not execute Orders made in any other way.

Art.17. The terms of delivery of the Products shall be as follows:

Goods are delivered by courier to the address specified by the User. The risk of loss, damage or loss of the goods passes to the User from the moment of their delivery to the courier company.

Transportation costs shall be borne by the Buyer. The delivery is free of charge for the Buyer if the price of the goods exceeds 100 Euro.

The Supplier shall arrange the dispatch of the goods by courier company within the next working day of receipt of the Order or within 24 hours after the payment has been received, in case the User has chosen to pay for the goods by other means than cash on delivery.


Art.18. The Platform is an e-commerce website, which is accessible on the Internet at, through which Users have the opportunity to conclude contracts for the purchase and sale and delivery of the goods offered by the Supplier on the Platform, including the following:

To review the goods, their characteristics, prices and delivery terms;

To enter into contracts with the Supplier for the purchase and delivery of the goods offered on the Platform;

To make electronic statements in connection with the conclusion of purchase contracts with the Supplier and their execution (delivery) through the interface of the Platform available on the Internet;

To make any payments in connection with the contracts concluded through the Platform and through electronic means of payment;

To receive information about new goods offered by the Supplier on the Platform;

To be informed of their rights under the law, primarily through the Platform’s web interface;

To exercise their right of withdrawal, where applicable, under the Consumer Protection Act.

Art.19. The Supplier shall organize the delivery of the goods and guarantee the rights of the Users provided for in the law, in the principles of good faith, the terms and conditions accepted in the law of the country of purchase, sale or purchase.

Art.20. (1) The User shall place an Order for goods to the Supplier through the interface of the Supplier, available at

(2) Upon confirmation by the Supplier of the Order placed by the Seller, a contract for the purchase and sale of the Goods shall be concluded between the Seller and the Supplier on the Platform. The contract shall be concluded in Bulgarian and stored in the Supplier’s database on the Platform.

(3) By virtue of the contract concluded with the User for the purchase and sale of goods, the Provider on the Platform undertakes to arrange the delivery and transfer of ownership of the goods specified by the User through the interface of the Platform.

(4) The User shall pay to the Platform Provider the consideration for the delivered goods, in accordance with the terms set out in the Platform and these Terms and Conditions. The remuneration shall be equal to the price advertised on the Platform for the respective goods and the delivery price.

Art.21. The User shall have the right to correct the mistakes in the input of information no earlier than the placing of his Order with the Supplier (the sending of the Order under these General Terms and Conditions). The Supplier shall provide an appropriate, efficient, and accessible means of identifying and correcting any errors in the input of information before the statement of contract can be made. An opportunity shall be provided to:

removing item(s) from the shopping cart;

adding item(s) to the shopping cart;

increase or decrease of the ordered quantity of a certain item;

change of the address of delivery or the chosen payment method, etc.

Art.22. (1) The User and the Provider on the Platform agree that all statements between them in connection with the conclusion and performance of the Purchase and Sale Agreement may be made electronically and by electronic statements within the meaning of the Electronic Document and Electronic Signature Act and Article 11 of the Electronic Commerce Act.

(2) It is assumed that the electronic statements made by Users on the Site are made by the persons indicated in the data provided by the User when placing the Order.


Art.23. (1) In order to use the Platform to conclude contracts for the purchase and sale of goods, the User shall accept these Terms and Conditions.

(2) Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions by the User is done by checking the box “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the site” in the Order submission procedure through the Platform, after entering their personal data.

Art.24. The mapping of the “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the website” field in the Order submission procedure via the Platform creates an irrebuttable presumption that:

The User has read the Terms and Conditions before accepting them and that he accepts them. By checking the box “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the site”, the User makes an electronic statement within the meaning of the Law on electronic signature and electronic signature, which indicates that he/she is aware of these Terms and Conditions and accepts them.

The User has placed an Order for the conclusion of a distance sales contract(s) (In case the User has the status of “consumer” within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act).

Art.25. (1) When a User sends an Order, the Provider confirms the Order made by the User’s e-mail address indicated when placing the Order.

(2) The written confirmation contains a notification that the transaction has been concluded under these General Terms and Conditions.

(3) The Provider shall have the right not to enter into legal relations and not to make any payment to a User who has not accepted these General Terms and Conditions.

Art.26. The General Terms and Conditions are published in a prominent place on the Platform and are available to all visitors.


Art.27. The User shall use the interface of the Provider’s page on the Platform to conclude contracts for the purchase and sale of the goods offered by the Provider on the Platform. Contracts are concluded in Bulgarian and stored in the Supplier’s database.

Art.28. Users conclude the contract for the purchase and sale of the goods on the Platform according to the following procedure:

Selecting one or more of the goods offered by the Supplier on the Platform and adding them to a list of goods to be purchased, for which a purchase contract will be concluded;

Providing the necessary data for the Buyer’s individualization as a party to the contract;

Provision of data for making the delivery;

Choice of method and time of payment of the price;

Marking the box (checkbox) “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the site”, according to Article 23, paragraph 2 of these Terms and Conditions;

Order Confirmation.


Art.29. (1) The Supplier and the User shall conclude separate contracts for the purchase and sale of the goods ordered by the User, notwithstanding that they have been selected with one electronic statement and from one list of goods for purchase.

(2) The supplier may arrange for the delivery of the goods ordered by the individual purchase contracts together and simultaneously.

(3) The User’s rights in relation to the delivered goods shall be exercised separately for each contract of sale. Exercise of rights in a delivered ctoĸa shall not affect or have effect in relation to the resale contracts of the other ctoĸas. In the event that the User has the status of a Consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, the exercise of the right of withdrawal from the contract for the sale of a particular ctoĸa shall not affect the contracts for the sale of other ctoĸas delivered to the User. The User enjoys a legal guarantee of conformity of the goods with the sales contract.

Art.30. When exercising the rights under the contract of sale and purchase, the User shall be obliged to indicate accurately and unambiguously the contract and the goods in respect of which he exercises the rights.

Art.31. The User may pay the price for the individual purchase contracts at once when placing the Order for the Goods through the payment methods supported by the Site or upon their delivery.

(2) In respect of goods which are supplied on a promotional basis together with other goods in a set, the price for the set applies only in its entirety.

(3) In the event that the Supplier accepts the return of one item from a set referred to in paragraph 2, the User shall be entitled to a refund for the returned item from the set, which shall be proportional to the ratio between the prices of the items from the set in the Supplier’s e-shop when they are not offered in a set with each other.


Art.32. (1) The main characteristics of the goods offered by the Supplier are specified in the profile of each item on the Platform.

(2) The price of the items is inclusive of all taxes and fees and is determined by the Contributor in each item’s profile on the Platform.

Art.33. The Supplier shall have the right to change its price list at any time in accordance with its own pricing policy in the market. The price change shall take effect from its announcement on the lot of each item on the Site.

Art.34. The price of the ordered goods shall be paid by the Buyer through one of the payment methods described in these General Terms and Conditions.

Art.35. The payment methods through which the User may pay for the goods are as follows:

(1) Card payments –

  • Payment by debit/credit card via V-pos.
  • Types of cards accepted: debit, credit and business cards Visa and MasterCard
  • Transactions are processed through the MasterCard Identity check and VISA Secure security programs.
  • From the security point of view, the maximum amount to pay with a card is 8000 BGN.
  • We do not store details of bank cards used for payment via the site.
  • In the event of a need to refund an amount paid by bank card, the amount will be refunded to the card used for payment.

(2) Cash on delivery – upon delivery of the goods. In this case payment shall be made to the courier in accordance with the policy of the relevant courier service. This service is available only for Bulgaria.


Art.36. (1) The Supplier shall arrange delivery at the expense of the User of the ordered goods to the address that the User has indicated in the Order.

(2) The delivery period for goods is determined for each item separately when concluding the contract with the User through the Supplier’s website on the Platform.

(3) The time for delivery of the goods to the Buyer depends on the workload of the courier service.

Art.37. The Supplier shall deliver the goods ordered by the User in accordance with the agreed assortment, quantity, quality, packaging and price.

Art.38. (1) The User must inspect the goods at the time of delivery and handover and, if they do not meet the requirements, immediately notify the Supplier on the Platform.

(2) If the User does not notify the Provider in accordance with par. 1, the goods shall be deemed to be approved as conforming to the requirements, except for latent defects.

(3) The following shall not constitute defects in the goods:

1. Special taste of the goods;

2. Insufficient dissolution of the goods in a liquid in case it is powdery;

3. Special color of the goods;

4. The remaining shelf life of the goods, from which it can be concluded that it is sufficient for the consumption of the entire goods.

Art.39. (1) Upon delivery of the goods, the User or a third party shall sign the accompanying documents. A third party shall be deemed to be anyone who is not the holder of the Order but accepts delivery of the goods and is at the address indicated by the User.

(2) In the event that the User is not found within the delivery period at the specified address or access and conditions for delivery of the goods are not provided within this period, the Supplier shall be released from its obligation to deliver the ordered goods. The User may confirm his/her wish to receive the goods after the expiry of the delivery period in which he/she was not found at the address, bearing all delivery costs. In this case, a new delivery period starts accordingly from the moment of confirmation.

Art.40. (1) Where the Supplier is unable to partially or fully execute an Order of a User, the Supplier shall, within 3 (three) working days of the acceptance of the Order, notify the User thereof and, if possible, agree with him a new Order that can be executed.

(2) In the event that the Supplier and the User fail to agree on a new Order, the old Order shall be deemed cancelled and the Supplier shall have no obligation or liability to deliver thereunder. In the event that the User has paid the price of the goods from the old Order in advance of delivery, the Supplier shall refund the amounts received using the same means of payment used by the User in the original transaction.


Art.41. The rules of this Section XII shall apply only to Users who, according to the data provided in the Order, may be inferred to be Consumers within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, the E-Commerce Act and/or Directive 2011/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011.

Art.42. (1) The main characteristics of the goods offered by the Supplier on the Platform are indicated in the description of each good.

(2) The price of the goods including all taxes and fees is determined by the Supplier on the Platform in the description of each item.

(3) The prices of the goods including all taxes and fees may be changed by the Supplier without any notice. This shall be reflected on the Platform.

(4) Each product with a promotion is marked with a special sign.

(5) The value of postage or transport costs, which are not included in the price of the goods, is determined by the Supplier on the Platform and is provided as information to Users when selecting the goods for the conclusion of the purchase contract.

(7) The methods of payment, delivery and performance of the contract are defined in these Terms and Conditions and the information provided to the User on the Platform.

(8) The information provided to Users under this Article shall be up-to-date at the time of its visualization on the Platform prior to the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement. Due to series updates and other editorial and technical reasons, discrepancies between the images published on the Platform and the products received by the User upon purchase are possible.

(9) Users agree that all information required by the Consumer Protection Act may be provided through the Platform interface or via email.

Art.43. (1) The User agrees that the Supplier is entitled to accept advance payment for the contracts concluded with the User for the purchase of goods.

(2) For Bulgaria, the User shall independently choose whether to pay the Supplier the price for the goods before or at the time of delivery. For other countries, the price for the goods is paid before delivery.

(3) In the event that the value of the User’s Order equals or exceeds BGN 5 000, payment shall be made only through the V-pos system.

Art.44. (1) The User shall have the right, without compensation or penalty and without giving any reason, to withdraw from the concluded contract within 14 days from the date of acceptance of the goods by the Supplier, through the single withdrawal form available on the website in Annex No. 1 to these General Terms and Conditions. Information on the exercise of the right of withdrawal is available in Annex 2 to these General Terms and Conditions.

(2) The right of withdrawal referred to in the preceding paragraph shall not apply in the following cases:

for the delivery of goods made to order of the User or according to his individual requirements;

for the delivery of goods which, by their nature, may deteriorate or have a short shelf life;

for the delivery of sealed goods that have been unsealed after delivery and cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene, health protection, or are damaged by the User;

for the supply of goods which, having been delivered and by their nature, have become mixed with other goods from which they cannot be separated;

for the return of goods with damaged integrity due to the fault of the User.

(3) Where the Supplier has not fulfilled its obligations to provide information as set out in the Consumer Protection Act, the Consumer shall have the right to withdraw from the concluded contract within one year and 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods. Where the information is provided to the Consumer within the withdrawal period, the withdrawal period shall commence from the date of its provision. The User shall be entitled to submit the withdrawal statement under this Article directly to the Supplier via the single withdrawal form available on the Supplier’s website on the Platform as Annex No. 1 to these General Terms and Conditions.

(4) Where the User has exercised his right to withdraw from the contract, the Supplier shall refund all amounts received from the User without undue delay and no later than 14 days from the date on which the User was notified of the decision to withdraw from the contract. The Provider shall refund the amounts received using the same means of payment used by the User in the original transaction unless the User has expressly agreed to the use of another means of payment.

(5) In case of exercising the right of withdrawal, the costs of returning the delivered goods shall be borne by the User.

(6) The User undertakes to store the goods received from the Supplier and to ensure the preservation of their quality and safety during the period referred to in par. 1.

(7) The User may exercise the right to withdraw from the contract with the Provider by sending a written statement to the Provider through the standard withdrawal form available on the Provider’s website in the Platform as Annex No. 1 to these General Terms and Conditions.

(8) Where the Supplier has not offered to collect the goods himself, he may withhold payment of the amounts to the Consumer until he has received the goods or until the Consumer has provided proof that he has sent the goods back, whichever is the earlier.

(9) Notwithstanding the above hypotheses, the User shall be obliged to return the goods unused, in a merchantable form that allows their subsequent sale, unless the unpacking of the goods leads to an obvious violation of the merchantable form of the goods, such as but not limited to a destructible box, airtight packaging and other similar cases. In the event that the goods are used and/or have a damaged commercial appearance, the Supplier shall have the right, at its discretion, to refuse to accept the withdrawal from the contract or to charge the Consumer the costs of restoring the goods to a commercial appearance.

(10) In the event of exercising the right of withdrawal under this Article, the User shall be deemed to have exercised the right of withdrawal with respect to the bonus content belonging to the goods.


Art.45. (1) The Provider on the Platform shall take measures to protect the User’s personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

(2) For security reasons, the Provider on the Platform will only send the Order data to the e-mail address that was specified by the User at the time of the Order itself.

(3) The User agrees that the Platform Provider has the right to contact the User in the manner requested by the User when placing the Order.

(4) The User agrees that the Provider of the Platform has the right to collect, store and process the User’s data when using the Provider’s e-shop on the Platform.

Art.46. (1) The Provider has adopted the Privacy Policy published on the official website:, which is an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions. With the adopted Privacy Policy, the Provider informs individuals what personal data is processed by the Company and for what purposes it is processed, to whom it is provided, what are the rights of individuals regarding their personal data processed and how these rights can be exercised.


Art.47. (1) These Terms and Conditions may be amended by the Provider of the Platform.

(2) The Provider on the Platform and the User agree that any addition and amendment to these Terms and Conditions shall be effective against the User, and that any addition and amendment to these Terms and Conditions shall be effective against the Buyer for any Order placed after the changes are made.

(3) The User agrees that all statements made by the Provider on the Platform in connection with the amendment of these Terms and Conditions will be sent to the e-mail address specified when placing an Order. The User agrees that e-mails sent pursuant to this Article need not be signed with an electronic signature to be effective against him.

Art.48. The Provider publishes these General Terms and Conditions on together with all supplements and amendments thereto.


Art.49. These Terms and Conditions and the User’s contract with the Provider on the Platform shall be terminated in the following cases:

in the event of termination and liquidation or bankruptcy of the Provider and the User, if a legal entity;

by mutual agreement of the parties in writing;

in the event of objective impossibility of either party to the contract to perform its obligations;

in case of seizure or sealing of the equipment by government authorities.

Art.50. The Provider shall have the right, at its sole discretion, without notice and without compensation, to unilaterally terminate the Contract if it finds that the User is using the Platform in violation of these General Terms and Conditions, the legislation in the Republic of Bulgaria, generally accepted moral norms or generally accepted rules and practices in electronic commerce.


Art.51. The User undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Provider in the Platform and the Provider in the event of legal actions and other claims of third parties (whether or not justified), for all damages and costs (including attorney’s fees and court costs) arising out of or in connection with:

failure to perform any of the obligations under this contract;

infringement of copyright, production rights, broadcasting rights or other intellectual or industrial property rights;

unlawful transfer to others of the rights granted to the User for the term and under the terms of the contract;

falsely declaring the presence or absence of the quality of Consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act.

Art.52. The Provider shall not be liable in case of force majeure, accidental events, Internet problems, technical or other objective reasons, including orders of the competent state authorities.

Art.53. (1) The Provider shall not be liable for damages caused by the User to third parties.

(2) The Provider shall not be liable for any material or non-material damage, consisting in lost profits or damages suffered by the User in the process of using or not using and concluding purchase contracts with the Provider.

(3) The Provider shall not be liable for the time during which the Platform was unavailable due to force majeure.

(4) The Provider is not responsible for comments, opinions and posts under the products, news and articles and for all materials published in the Info Portal section of the Platform.

Art.54. (1) The Provider shall not be held liable in the event of overcoming the security measures of the technical equipment and consequent loss of information, dissemination of information, access to information, restriction of access to information and other similar consequences.

(2) The Provider shall not be held liable in the event of conclusion of a purchase contract, provision of access to information, loss or alteration of data occurring as a result of false legitimation of a third party who impersonates the User, if it can be inferred from the circumstances that this person is the User.

Art.55. The Provider is not responsible for the reliability and accuracy of all materials published in the Info Portal section of the Platform.


Art.56. (1) The User and the Provider on the Platform undertake to protect each other’s rights and legitimate interests, as well as to protect their trade secrets that have become known to them in the process of execution of the Contract and these General Terms and Conditions.

(2) The User and the Provider undertake not to make public any written or oral correspondence between them during and after the expiry of the contract period. The publication of correspondence in print and electronic media, internet forums, private or public websites, etc. may be considered public.

Art.57. In case of conflict between these General Terms and Conditions and the provisions of a special contract between the Provider on the Platform and the User, the provisions of the special contract shall prevail.

Art.58. The invalidity of any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not invalidate the entire contract.

(1) The laws of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to matters not provided for in this Contract relating to the performance and interpretation of this Contract.

(2) The User shall have the right to refer all disputes with the Supplier concerning the performance of this Contract to the competent Bulgarian courts and the Consumer Protection Commission.

Art.60. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all Users of

Annex 1 –

Standard form for exercising the right of withdrawal

(fill in and send this form only if you wish to cancel the contract)

Order return form here.

Annex 2

Information on the exercise of the right of withdrawal

Information on the exercise of the right of withdrawal

Standard cancellation guidelines:

I. Right of withdrawal from distance or off-premises contracts.

II. You have the right to withdraw from this contract, without giving reasons, within 14 days.

III. The cancellation period is 14 days from the date on which you or a third party other than the carrier and nominated by you took possession of the goods.

In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must notify us at the contact details provided on the platform and of your decision to withdraw from the contract with an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail).

You can use the attached standard opt-out form, but it is not required. You may also complete and submit electronically the standard opt-out form or other unambiguous opt-out request on our website If you use this option, we will promptly send you (e.g. by email) a message confirming receipt of the opt-out.

In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient to send your communication concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.


If you cancel this contract, we will refund all payments we have received from you, excluding delivery costs, without undue delay and in any event no later than 14 days from the date on which you inform us of your decision to cancel this contract. We will make the refund using the same means of payment used by you in the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed to the use of another means of payment. In any event, this refund will not be at any cost to you.

We have the right to delay the refund until we receive the goods back or until you provide us with evidence that you have sent the goods back, whichever is the earlier. You must bear the direct costs of returning the goods. The costs are not expected to exceed approximately the amount of the delivery or standard courier service.

If the goods have been used and/or the integrity of the packaging has been compromised, they cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene and health protection.